Accidents happen: guests spill drinks, children find the paints, and pets do what pets will always do. Even if you have the budget to regularly replace your carpet, the time taken and interruption to your day-to-day activities does not make it an ideal solution. So how do you fight the inevitable? Don’t worry, we’re here to help.
Superior Cleaning Solutions
Our team may not be as powerful as The Avengers, but we’d like to think we’re pretty good at saving carpets. Our business specializes in any house or business cleaning needs you may have, and our experts are committed to helping you with your unique circumstances at an affordable price. But what can our stain-prevention treatment actually do? Take a look at our page or contact us to find out how we can help!
Causes of Carpet Stains
Not all stains come from an unfortunately placed wine glass or tantrum driven toddler. Stains can also come from regular, untouched build-up, undiscovered mold, flooding, and other sources. Often, stains seem to just appear after a few years, as it’s difficult to keep up with everything that goes on in your home. Luckily, with our stain protection, you don’t have to.
Prevention & Protection
Our solution provides a barrier between your carpet and potential stains. When cleaning up after a spill, even moments after the accident, there will more than likely be a stain. Stain protection shields the fibers and gives you the extra time you need to clean, preventing stains. Watch our video here to find out exactly what a difference out product makes.
At Superior Cleaning Solutions, we offer a multitude of treatments like stain protection to keep your carpet clean, and save you money! Contact us today to make an appointment, or to find more information on the services we offer.